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R. Carta, M. Moledda, E. A. Scano, G. Tola, “ Sterilization Process for Canned Tomatoes “ , Italian Food & Beverage Technology, XIII pp.22-25,Sept.,1998.
M. Muscas, G. Sfacteria, G. Loi, P. Madau, S. Scrugli, D. Carta, M. Frongia, E. A. Scano, A. Argiolas, “Valutazione del contenuto di sostanze azotate in tabacchi di coltivazione italiana “, Piante Medicinali, Vol.2, n°2, pp. 87-92, 2003.
E. A. Scano, “La trasformazione Industriale del carciofo “, 261-294, Il carciofo: storia, tecnica colturale, politica comunitaria, ricerca, trasformazione, pubblicazione a cura dell’ERSAT e della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, 2004.
A. Piga, P. Catzeddu, S. Farris, T. Roggio, A. Sanguinetti, E. A. Scano, “Texture Evolution of “AMARETTI “cookies during storage, European Food Research and Technology, 2005, 387-391, Springer Verlag, 2005.
T. Roggio, M. Campus, R. Cappuccinelli, A. Porcu, M. C. Porcu, E. A. Scano, Trattamento ad alte pressioni di un prodotto ittico consumato crudo: Le gonadi di riccio di mare (Paracentrotus Lividus), Atti 7°Congresso italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli alimenti (7°CISETA), Cernobbio 2005.
P. Catzeddu, N. Secchi, G. Stara, M. Campus, R. Cappuccinelli, M. C. Porcu, E. A. Scano, M. Addis, R. Di Salvo, “High hydrostatic pressure technology applied in fresh sheep milk cheese”, Atti 5th International Symposium on the Challenge to sheep and goats Milks Sectors, Alghero, 2007.
N. Secchi, G. Stara, P. Catzeddu, A. Piga, E. A. Scano, T. Roggio, Effects and ingredient sizing on the shelf life of “Amaretti Cookies”, Atti CIGR 3rd International Symposium, Food and Agricultural Products: Processing and Innovations, Naples 2007.
M. Campus, M. C. Porcu, R. Cappucinelli, E. A. Scano, T. Roggio, Design and evaluation of EMAP package for minimally processed artichoke, Atti CIGR 3rd International Symposium, Food and Agricultural Products: Processing and Innovations, Naples 2007.
E. A. Scano – G. Matta, “La filiera Industriale del carciofo “, pubblicazione a cura dell’agenzia LAORE e della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, 2008.
E. A. Scano – “Biomasse in Sardegna, potenzialità di sviluppo e attività di ricerca” Audit sulle fonti di energie rinnovabili in Sardegna edito da Sardegna Ricerche con il contributo della Regione Autonoma della Sardegna e dell’Unione Europea, 2008.
N. Secchi, P. Catzeddu, T. Roggio, E. A. Scano, G. Mura, A. Piga, Application of GAB or other models for water sorption isotherms determination of traditional bakery products, Italian Journal of Food Science, SLIM Shelf Life International Meeting, Ischia, 2008.
E. A. Scano, C.Asquer, A. Pistis, L. Ortu, D. Cocco, Biogas from anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable wastes: Experimental results on pilot scale and preliminary performance evaluation of a full-scale power plant, Energy and Conversion Management, 77, 22-30,2014.
E. A. Scano, A. Orrù, V. Demontis, L. Spanedda, Analisi delle potenzialità energetiche e degli aspetti ambientali connessi all’impiego delle biomasse residuali. Il caso della Sardegna, XXVI Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche, Pisa 2014.
E. A. Scano, C. Asquer, A. Pistis, L. Ortu, G. Carboni, Study of the main process parameters influencing anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable waste through principal components analysis, 22nd European Biomass Conference and exhibition, Hamburg 2014.
E. A. Scano, C. Asquer, A. Pistis, D. Cocco, Energy oriented optimization of an anaerobic digestion plant for the combined treatment of solid and liquid waste in potato chips industrial plant, 22nd European Biomass Conference and exhibition, Hamburg 2014.
E. Melis, C. Asquer, A. Pistis, E. A. Scano, The Ogliastra forest biomasses: Evaluations for possible Energy purposes, 22nd European Biomass Conference and exhibition, Hamburg 2014.
E. A. Scano, A. Orrù, V. Demontis, . Spanedda, Potenzialità energetica delle biomasse residuali in Sardegna, Energia, 4, 64-71, 2014.
D. Cocco, M. Petrollese, C. Asquer A. Pistis, V. Demontis, L. Ortu and E. A. Scano, Energy performance assessment of mesophilic anaerobic digestion of fruit and vegetable wastes in a pilot-scale reactor, ECOS 2014 - the 27th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Turku, Finland, 2014.
E. A. Scano, A. Pistis, C. Asquer, G. Saiu, C. Tugulu, F. Floris, Biogas from agro-industrial residues, combustion products evaluation by means of the thermodynamic equilibrium analysis approach, International Congres and EXPO on Biofuels & Bioenergy, Valencia, 2015.
F. Floris, A. Pistis, E. A. Scano, C. Tugulu, Simulation of the gasification of a characteristic forest biomass of northern Sardinia through the thermodynamic equilibrium analysis. The case study of Pinus pinaster International Congres and EXPO on Biofuels & Bioenergy, Valencia, 2015.
E. A. Scano, Rassegna delle principali tecniche convenzionali e innovative utilizzate per la conservazione dei prodotti ittici, Alimenti & Bevande, Gennaio-Febbraio, 42-47, 2016.
G. Saiu, A. Pistis, A. Chindris, M. Grosso, M. Baroli, E. A. Scano, Study of the growth parameters of the Nannochloropsis oculata for the nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater through design of experiment approach, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 49, 2016.
A, Pistis, C. Tugulu, F. Floris, E.A. Scano, Start-up phase in a pre-industrial Pyrolysis plant equipped with a rotary kiln reactor, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2016.
A, Pistis, C. Tugulu, F. Floris, G. Saiu, E. A. Scano, Intermediate pyrolysis of pine wood sawdust. Simulation of the char gasification process by means of the thermodynamic equilibrium approach, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2016.
A. B. Pisanu, L.Baghino, D. Sanna, E. A.Scano, EMAP technique application to obtain minimally processed eights ans slices fresh cut of Spinoso Sardo globe artichoke, 3rd symposium on horticulture in Europe, 17-21 October 2016, Chania Greece.
M. Campus, E. Cauli, E. A. Scano, F. Piras, R. Comunian, A. Paba, E. Daga, P. Sedda, A. Angioni, R. Zurru, Towards controlled fermentation of table olives: lab starter driven processing in an automatized pilot processing plant, VIII International Olive Symposium, 10-14 ottobre 2016, Split.
M. Campus, E. Cauli, E. A. Scano, F. Piras, R. Comunian, A. Paba, E. Daga, P. Sedda, A. Angioni, R. Zurru, Towards controlled fermentation of table olives: lab starter driven processing in an automatized pilot processing plant, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-11, February, 2017.
A Pistis, C. Tugulu, F. Floris, C. Asquer, E. A. Scano, Fast Pyrolysis of Pine wood at preindustrial scale: yields and products chemical physical characterization, European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 25th Edition, Stockholm 12-15 June 2017.
P. Chironi, F. Fanari, M. Grosso, F. Tore, E. A. Scano, rheological characterization of cuttlefish ink based food products, Annual European Rheology Conference, Sorrento, 17-20 April, 2018.
F. Fanari, I. Frau, F. Desogus, E. A. Scano, G. Carboni, M. Grosso, Influence of wheat varieties, mixing time and water content on the rheological properties of semolina doughs Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 2019.
Asquer C., Melis E., E. A. Scano , Carboni G., Opportunities for energy through emerging crops: biogas valorisation of Cannabis sativa residues, International Conference on Renewable energies, Paris, 2019.
E. A. Scano in L’olivo da Tavola in Sardegna a cura di R. Zurru, Agris- Agenzia regionale per la Ricerca in agricoltura, ISBN: 9788890340468, 2019
E. A. Scano in Ricerca e innovazione sul carciofo in Sardegna, Agris- Agenzia regionale per la Ricerca in agricoltura, ISBN: 9788890340475,2019.
C. Asquer, E. Melis, E. A. Scano, G. Carboni, Opportunities for Green Energy through Emerging Crops: Biogas Valorization of Cannabis sativa L. Residues, Climate, 7,142, 2019.
F. Fanari, F. Desogus, E. A. Scano, G. Carboni, M. Grosso, The Effect of the Relative Amount of Ingredients on the Rheological Properties of Semolina Doughs, Sustainability, 12, 2705, 2020.
G. Farru C. Asquer, G. Cappai, G. De Gioannis, E. Melis, S. Milia, A. Muntoni, M. Piredda, E.A.Scano,Hydrothermal carbonization of hemp digestate,SIDISA – XI International Symposium on Environmental Engineering, 2020.
C. Asquer, E. Melis, E. A. Scano, Coupling biogas upgrading in bubble column reactors and anaerobic digestion: an experimental study on CO2 absorption using NaOH solutions based on laboratory tests supporting the pilot plant design, e-EUBCE 2020 28th European Biomass conference & Exhibition, virtual 6-9 July, 2020.
Frutta, salute e consumo consapevole, Laore Sardegna, ISBN 9788890656057, 2021.
E.A.Scano, M. Grosso, A. Pistis, G.Carboni, D.Cocco, An in-depth analysis of biogas production from locally agro-industrial by-products and residues. An Italian case, Renewable Energy, 179, 308-318, 2021.
E. Melis, Carla Asquer, Gianluca Carboni, Efisio Antonio Scano, Chapter 4- Role of Cannabis sativa L. in energy production: residues as a potential lignocellulosic biomass in anaerobic digestion plants in Current Applicatons, Approaches and Potential Perspectives for Hemp, Crop Management, Idustrial usages and Functional Purposes, 111-199, Academic Press, 2022.
Francesco Corrias, Efisio A. Scano, Giorgia Sarais and Alberto Angioni, Influence of Salting Technology on the Diffusion of NaCl in Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Fillets, Foods 11, 164, 2022.
Valentina Coroneo, Francesco Corrias, Andrea Brutti, Piero Addis , Efisio A. Scano and Alberto Angioni, Effect of High-Pressure Processing on Fresh Sea Urchin Gonads in Terms of Shelf Life, Chemical Composition, and Microbiological Properties,Foods 11, 260,2022.
Gianluigi Farru, Carla Asquer, Giovanna Cappai, Giorgia De Gioannis, Emanuela Melis, Stefano Milia, Aldo Muntoni, Martina Piredda, Efisio A. Scano, Hydrothermal carbonization of hemp digestate: influence of operating parameters, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2022.
Francesco Corrias, Nicola Arru, Alessandro Atzei, Massimo Milia, Efisio Scano and Alberto Angioni, Determination of Pesticide Residues in IV Range Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) and Its Industrial Wastes, Foods, 2023.